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Cross Fit Class


About: About


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VegShe Health + Wellness was founded by Anastasia in 2019.


Anastasia has been a part of the fitness industry for nearly a decade. She wanted to create a platform that allowed her to provide fitness and nutrition solutions to everyone! Having spent most of her early career in big box gyms, she felt that she wasn't really reaching the people who needed her most. With that, she founded VegShe.


VegShe is an online wellness hub. Our programs span from personal training regimens you can complete on your own time, nutrition coaching,  to online group fitness classes.


Did we mention that 50% of proceeds from our group classes are donated to charity?


At VegShe Health + Wellness, we want to be with you every step of the way as you navigate your way to a healthier way of being.


About: Instagram
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