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Self-Care Journal Prompts

Hello lovelies!

Today, as a part of your self-care routine, I encourage you to spend time journaling. Journaling can be a wonderful way to help you: focus your energy, clear your mind, find direction, and take care of your mental health. I try to journal 3 nights a week before bed.

Here are some prompts to get you started:

❀ Write yourself a love letter

❀ Write about something your are proud of yourself for

❀ Write about your current self-care routine or, about the routine you plan to start. What do you like to do with your, "me time"?

❀ What can you do today to take care of your mental or physical health?

I hope these prompts will be helpful to you. If you are looking for a way to take care of your physical and mental well being, consider joining me for one of my Zoom group fitness classes. You can learn more by messaging me here:

Have a beautiful day and remember, you are worth it!

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